Getting Started with Docker


What is Docker?

"Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of Linux applications inside software containers."

Containers, Eh?

Virtualization method for running a number of sandboxed environments using a single kernel

Containers are: Lightweight

  • A virtual machine contains an entire OS environment
  • Containers have just the application you are trying to provide and its dependencies


Containers are: Isolated

Containers isolate system resources using linux features.

  • cgroups    hardware (cpu, memory, networking, etc.)
  • namespaces os (PID, hostname, userid, fs, etc.)

libcontainer used to interface with this functionality and other facilities.

Containers are: Fast

  • Starting a container is virtually as fast as starting a process
  • Building a container is fast because it just contains your application
  • Stopping a container is fast because you are just killing process(es)

Containers are: Disposable

  • Can be single purpose: 'Run this command and exit'
  • External volumes can be shared: 'Run this database, store data in /mnt/data0'

Containers are: Simple

  • Limited Scope:
    • What needs to be installed? How do I install it?
    • How do I run my application?
    • What ports do I expose?
  • Separation of concerns: 'So easy a developer can do it!'

Docker History

  •     2008: First release of lxc
  • Jan 2013: Started as a side project @ dotCloud
  • Jul 2013: Open Sourced
  • Oct 2013: dotCloud reincorporated as Docker, Inc.
  • Jun 2014: 1.0 release
  • Jun 2015: Open Container Initiative created
  • Apr 2016: 1.11 release, first based on OCI tech

Docker is: Awesome

The community agrees

  • 26th most popular project on GitHub (19180 🌟)
  • So successful caused company to pivot (dotCloud => Docker, Inc).
  • Most Cloud Providers integrate with it (AWS, GCE, Azure, etc.)

Getting Docker

Docker for Linux

  • Packages available for most Linux platforms
  • Build from Source

Docker for Mac

  • Uses HyperKit/xhyve, a small HyperVisor for OS X.
  • Requires OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). Docker Toolbox can be used on older versions of OS X

Docker for Windows

  • Uses Microsoft Hyper-V
  • Requires Windows 8. Docker Toolbox can be used on older verisons of Windows

Docker CLI

  • Docker runs the hypervisor in a backround daemon
  • The docker command is used to interact with docker

Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
       docker [ --help | -v | --version ]

    build     Build an image from a Dockerfile
    create    Create a new container
    exec      Run a command in a running container
    images    List images
    logs      Fetch the logs of a container
    ps        List containers
    pull      Pull an image or a repository from a registry
    rm        Remove one or more containers
    run       Run a command in a new container
    start     Start one or more stopped containers
    stop      Stop one or more running containers

... and more ...


Docker Hub

Demo: Running a Grafana Container

Docker Run

$ docker run -d -p 8125:8125/udp -p 8126:8126 -p 3000:80 --name grafana kamon/grafana_graphite
Unable to find image 'kamon/grafana_graphite:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from kamon/grafana_graphite
71a21fdea81d: Pull complete 
cf68a3ea6e1d: Pull complete 
31cb2a4d344a: Pull complete 
0341b6fcb0fe: Pull complete 
eac652639fe7: Pull complete 
a759dc349f21: Pull complete 
14bc97cfee28: Pull complete 
4c29088bbc9f: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:8b75a8bd5f3215248f6d6e84ddacb84c3e343f1d2cc2dcd0b820f9b12cb6a44f
Status: Downloaded newer image for kamon/grafana_graphite:latest

Up and Running!

  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000
  • Authenticate with admin/admin credentials
  • Add a datasource for http://localhost:8000

Demo: Feeding Stats from Another Container

Running a Conatiner with Collectd

docker run -e HOST_NAME=host0 \
-e GRAPHITE_HOST=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' grafana) \
-d --name host0 andreasjansson/collectd-write-graphite
latest: Pulling from andreasjansson/collectd-write-graphite
8a2df099fc1a: Pull complete 
09aa8e119200: Pull complete 
5f9d5749cc76: Pull complete 
fbc5e6650f83: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:c8bee49fcd8f0e4428d4c56e8f40f19c34d6b2c0e297a65ad0a27e6f512b0b7c
Status: Downloaded newer image for andreasjansson/collectd-write-graphite:latest

Launching 10 more containers

for i in {1..10}; do
    echo "Starting $HOST"
    docker run -e HOST_NAME=$HOST \
    -e GRAPHITE_HOST=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' grafana) \
    -e GRAPHITE_PORT=2003 \
    -d --name $HOST andreasjansson/collectd-write-graphite

Visualizing Container Stats on Dashboard

Demo: Publishing this Presentation to Docker Hub

Creating a Dockerfile

FROM node:6.6
RUN git clone --branch 3.3.0
RUN cd reveal.js && npm install
RUN npm install -g grunt-cli
ADD index.html /reveal.js/index.html
ADD dockerpres.css /reveal.js/css/theme/dockerpres.css
ADD solarized-light.css /reveal.js/lib/css/solarized-light.css
ADD static /reveal.js/static
WORKDIR /reveal.js/
ENTRYPOINT ["grunt", "serve"]

Building the Image

$ docker build -t tolbertam/docker-getting-started-presentation .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 805.9 kB
Step 1 : FROM node:6.6
 ---> c0d8845263e3
Step 2 : RUN git clone --branch 3.3.0
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 60802f9547ef
Step 3 : RUN cd reveal.js && npm install
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f6a9eae37e1f
Step 4 : RUN npm install -g grunt-cli
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 46a8c04a8146
Step 5 : ADD index.html /reveal.js/index.html
 ---> 8aacc8761bb0
Removing intermediate container 330ffea1fbcf
Step 6 : ADD dockerpres.css /reveal.js/css/theme/dockerpres.css
 ---> 4e2dc89fe63d
Removing intermediate container 4bca44fa8856
Step 7 : ADD solarized-light.css /reveal.js/lib/css/solarized-light.css
 ---> 13507f3e22b1
Removing intermediate container 4b92da1e1f68
Step 8 : ADD static /reveal.js/static
 ---> e54b1d802e26
Removing intermediate container 532570ab7b76
Step 9 : WORKDIR /reveal.js/
 ---> Running in 50d3b1cadaa4
 ---> c55fecdca0b2
Removing intermediate container 50d3b1cadaa4
Step 10 : ENTRYPOINT grunt serve
 ---> Running in 4209c7bf8d72
 ---> a331c0d01be1
Removing intermediate container 4209c7bf8d72
Step 11 : EXPOSE 8000
 ---> Running in 3220021949f8
 ---> ae0dd733a5fb
Removing intermediate container 3220021949f8
Successfully built ae0dd733a5fb

Pushing to Docker Hub

$ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub.
Username: tolbertam
Login Succeeded

$ docker push tolbertam/docker-getting-started-presentation
The push refers to a repository []
b316997c81ff: Pushed 
5138d358f948: Pushed 
8eef5f3b080d: Pushed 
5613b909b0ab: Pushed 
ef4f7f3517c4: Pushed 
042651f42e23: Pushed 
af4319d9d3e3: Pushed 
latest: digest: sha256:b347ea4d52d25e5bc59d9aee052d65d5763dd3fe8b4a76dce84318acb66bebaf size: 3053

Demo: Deploying your Container in Google Container Engine

Using Google Cloud Shell

$ gcloud container clusters create docker-cluster
Creating cluster docker-cluster...done.                                                           
Created [
kubeconfig entry generated for docker-cluster.
docker-cluster  us-central1-b  1.3.7   n1-standard-1  1.3.7         3       

$ kubectl run pres --image=tolbertam/docker-getting-started-presentation:latest --port=8000

$ kubectl expose deployment pres --type="LoadBalancer"
service "pres" exposed

$ kubectl get service
pres   8000/TCP   1m
